Rules Appendix
We have very little to comment upon this year in regard to the
amendments made to the playing rules of the game, alike by the special
committee appointed to revise them, or by the committee of the whole who
do the final work of revision. No improvement in this branch of League
legislative work, too, may be looked for until a regular and permanent
committee of rules be appointed, with President Young as its continuous
chairman, aided by the chief of the umpire staff, Harry Wright, and one
member of the League, a member like Mr. Byrne, who has done more since
he has been in the League to really improve the game than any other of
the several members of the rules committee since 1891. Moreover, the
report sent in by this proposed permanent committee of rules should not
be changed by the committee of the whole at the spring meetings except
by a two-thirds vote. As it is now, the whole business would likely be
spoiled by the final revision made by a simple majority vote.
The changes made by the committee of 1894, in several instances did not
improve the game at all. The amendment made to the bat rule, which
removed the restrictions as to size, was absurd. The League did well to
throw it out. The gain in the diameter of the bat, though small, will
have its effect on the batting. A quarter of an inch is not much, but it
will tell. The abolition of the "mitt," except for catchers and first
basemen, was a good move, as was the introduction of a penalty for the
failure of umpires to prevent "kicking." One change introduces a new
experiment, and that is the call of a strike on every foul tip caught on
the fly. The calls of strikes will be more numerous than ever, viz., the
regular strikes, the strikes on foul bunts and on foul tips.
As to the change made in the pitcher's plate, nothing was gained by it.
The pitcher will still violate the rule requiring him to have his foot
in contact with the rubber plate, as he did last year. He cannot get a
firm foothold by placing his foot on the rubber. What was wanted was a
hollow, oblong square, 12x36 inches, in which the pitcher could have
obtained a good, firm foothold within the box, and not as now, outside
of it, as he now has to, to secure a good standpoint for his pivot foot
outside of the box.
Not a single change was made in the badly-worded scoring rules, and in
consequence the same old premium for record batting is offered to every
"fungo" hitter in the ranks. Each member of the committee still walks in
the same old rut in this respect.
One of the best changes was the following: Rule 59 reads now so that
players using "vulgar, indecent, or other improper language" shall be
fined $25 and $100, instead of $5 and $25. In Rule 59, Section 4 was
stricken out and the following substituted: "Upon notification from an
umpire that a fine has been imposed upon any manager, captain or player,
the secretary shall forthwith notify the person so fined, and also the
club of which he is a member, and in the event of the failure of the
person so fined to pay the amount within five days, he shall be debarred
from participating in any championship game until such fine is paid."
The committee still retained that problem in mathematics contained in
the first rule, a description of how to lay out a field which would
puzzle a Yale quarterback.
The change made in Rule 45, Section 1, is a good one. Only the batsman
who has failed to bat in his proper turn can be declared out, not those
who have batted out of turn in consequence of the former's error.
It will now cost a kicker $25 at least, for indulging in his "hustling"
That was a much-needed resolution adopted by the League forbidding any
club from paying a single fine inflicted on a player.
CLUBS. In In In In
Boston. Brooklyn. New York. Philadelphia.
Boston July Apr. June 29
3, 4, 4 24, 25, 26 July 1, 2
Sept. Sept. Aug.
23, 24, 25 11, 12, 14 16, 17, 19
Brooklyn June Apr. July 30, 31
19, 20, 21 18, 20, 22 Aug. 1
Aug. Aug. Sept.
6, 7, 8 2, 5, 17 27, 28, 30
New York June June 29 May
22, 24, 25 July 1, 2 2, 3, 4
Sept. Aug. Aug.
19, 20, 21 3, 16, 19 13, 14, 15
Philadelphia June June Apr.
26, 27, 28 22, 24, 25 27, 29, 30
Aug. Aug. Sept.
2, 3, 5 9, 10, 12 16, 17, 18
Baltimore July 30, 31 May July June
Aug. 1 1, 2, 4 3, 4, 4 19, 20, 21
Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug.
16, 17, 18 19, 20, 21 27, 28, 30 6, 7, 8
Washington April 19 June June July
May 2, 4 26, 27, 28 19, 20, 21 4, 4
Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept.
9, 10, 12 13, 14, 15 6, 7, 8 14, 19, 20, 21
CLUBS. In In In In
Baltimore. Washington. Pittsburgh. Cleveland.
Boston Apr. Apr. May May
27, 29, 30 20, 22, 23 23, 24, 25 13, 14, 15
Aug. Sept. July July
13, 14, 15 27, 28, 30 6, 8, 9 25, 26, 27
Brooklyn Apr. Apr. May May
24, 25, 26 27, 29, 30 6, 7, 8 20, 21, 22
Sept. Sept. July July
11, 12, 14 16, 17, 18 10, 11, 13 18, 19, 20
New York June July 30, 31 May May
26, 27, 28 Aug. 1 16, 17, 18 23, 24, 25
Aug. Sept. July July
9, 10, 12 23, 24, 25 25, 26, 27 10, 11, 13
Philadelphia Apr. Apr. May May
18, 20, 22 24, 25, 26 13, 14, 15 16, 17, 18
Sept. July 3 July July
23, 24, 25 Sept. 11, 12 18, 19, 20 6, 8, 9
Baltimore June 24, 25 May May
July 1 9, 10, 11 6, 7, 8
Aug. July July
2, 5, 16 22, 23, 24 15, 16, 17
Washington June 22, 29 May May
July 2 20, 21, 22 9, 10, 11
Aug. Sept. July
3, 17, 23 7, 7, 9 22, 23, 24
CLUBS. In In In In
Cincinnati. Louisville. Chicago. St. Louis.
Boston May May May May
20, 21, 22 16, 17, 18 9, 10, 11 6, 7, 8
July July July July
15, 16, 17 10, 11, 13 18, 19, 20 22, 23, 24
Brooklyn May May May May
9, 10, 11 23, 25, 26 16, 18, 19 12, 13, 14
July July July July
6, 7, 8 14, 15, 16 21, 22, 23 26, 27, 28
New York May May May May
6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11 13, 14, 15 20, 21, 22
July July July July
22, 23, 24 18, 19, 20 6, 8, 9 15, 16, 17
Philadelphia May May May May
23, 24, 25 6, 7, 8 20, 21, 22 9, 10, 11
July July July July
25, 26, 27 22, 23, 24 15, 16, 17 11, 12, 13
Baltimore May May May May
12, 13, 14 20, 21, 22 23, 25, 26 16, 18, 19
July July July July
18, 20, 21 25, 27, 28 11, 13, 14 6, 7, 8
Washington May May May May
16, 18, 19 12, 13, 14 6, 7, 8 24, 25, 26
July July July July
10, 13, 14 6, 7, 8 25, 27, 28 19, 20, 21
CLUBS. In In In In
Boston. Brooklyn. New York Philadelphia
Pittsburgh. Jun 5,6,7 Jun 1,4,10 June 3,8,11 Jun15,17,18
Aug.24,26,27 Aug. 20,22 Aug. 21 Aug. 31
Sept. 5 Sept. 4,6 Sept. 2,3
Cleveland. Jun 15,17,18 May 30,30 May 28 Jun 8,10,11
Aug.28,29,30 June 13 June 12,14 Aug24,26,27
Aug. 31 Sept.2,2,5
Sept. 4,6
Cincinnati. June 1,3,4 June 5,7,17 June 6,15,18 May28,30,30
Aug. 31, Aug. 29 Aug. 28,30 Aug20,21,22
Sept. 2,2 Sept. 7,10 Sept. 9
Louisville. June 8,10,11 June 6,15,18 June 5,7,17 Jun12,13,14
Aug.20,21,22 Aug.26,28,30 Aug. 24,27,29 Sept. 7,7,9
Chicago. Jun 12,13,14 May 28 May 30,30 June 1,3,4
Sept. 4,5,6 June 8,11 June 10 Aug28,29,30
Sept. 2,2,9 Aug. 31
Sept. 7,10
St. Louis. May 28,30,30 Jun 3,12,14 June 1,4,13 June 5,6,7
Sept. 7,9,10 Aug. 21,24,27 Aug. 20,22,26 Sept. 4,5,6
Sept. 2,2
CLUBS. In In In In
Baltimore. Washington. Pittsburgh Cleveland
Pittsburgh. June 12,13,14 May 28,30,30 . . . . . July 1,2,3
Aug. 28,29,30 July 16,17 . . . . . Aug. 1,2,3
Aug. 19 . . . . .
Cleveland. June 1,3,4 June 5,6,7 July 4,4,5 . . . . .
Sept. 7,9,10 Aug. 20,21,22 Sept.19,20,21 . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
Cincinnati. June 8,10,11 June 12,13,14 May 1,2,4 Aug. 15,16,17
Aug. 24,26,27 Sept. 4,5,6 Sept.11,12,14 Sept.16,17,18
Louisville. May 28,30,30 June 1,3,4 June 19,20,22 June 24,25,26
Sept. 4,5,6 Aug. 31 Aug. 8,9,10 Aug. 5,6,7
Sept. 2,3
Chicago. June 5,6,7 June 15,17,18 July 29,30,31 June 27,28,29
Aug. 20,21,22 Aug. 24,26,27 Sept.16,17,18 Sept.23,24,25
St. Louis. June 15,17,18 June 8,10,11 June 27,28,29 May 1,2,4
Aug. 31 Aug. 28,29,30 Aug. 5,6,7 Aug. 12,13,14
CLUBS. In In In In
Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis
Pittsburgh. Apr. 23,24,25 Apr. 18,19,20 June 24,25,26 Apr 26,27,29
Aug. 12,13,14 Sept.23,25,25 Aug. 15,16,17 Sept. 26,27,28
Cleveland. Apr. 18,20,21 Apr. 27,28,29 June 20,22,23 April 23,24,25
May 26 Sept.26,28,29 Aug. 8,9,10 Sept. 12,14,15
July 28
Aug. 18
Cincinnati. . . . . . July 1,2,3 July 4,4,5 June 20, 22,23
. . . . . Aug. 1,3 Aug. 5,6,7 Sept. 23,24,25
. . . . . Sept. 22
Louisville. June 27,29,30 . . . . . May 2,4,5 July 4,4,5
Aug. 4 . . . . . Sept.12,14,15 Aug. 16,17,18
Sept. 19,21 . . . . .
Chicago. Apr. 27,28,29 Apr. 23,24,25 . . . . . April 18,20,21
Sept.26,28,29 Aug. 11,12,13 . . . . . Sept. 20,21,23
. . . . .
. . . . .
St. Louis. May 5 July 29,30,31 June 30 . . . . .
June 24,25 Sept.16,17,18 July 1,2 . . . . .
Aug. 8,10,11 Aug. 1,3,4 . . . . .
The readers of the OFFICIAL GUIDE will receive with pleasure the
innovation of this year, which for the first time, presents to them
twenty-one pages of half-tone portraits of all the leading clubs and
players of America.
Old-timers will appreciate the picture of the famous Red Stockings of
Herewith we present a key. The individual players in each group are
numbered to correspond with the numbers in the following list:
1, Ed Hanlon; 2, H.R. Von der Horst; 3, H.H. Von der Horst; 4, W.
Brodie; 5, George Hemming; 6, W. Robinson; 7, D. Brouthers; 8,
J. McMahon; 9, W. Clark; 10, W. Brown; 11, Charles Esper; 12, J. Kelly;
13, H. Reitz; 14, "Kid" Gleason; 15, F. Bonner; 16, J. McGraw; 17,
H. Jennings; 18, W. Keeler; 19, W.V. Hawke.
NEW YORK BASE BALL CLUB, '94. (Photograph copyrighted by Prince, New
York and Washington.)
1, Park A. Wilson; 2, Charles A. Farrell; 3, George Van Haltren; 4,
Roger Connor; 5, Jouett Meekin; 6, Huyler Westervelt; 7, Amos Rusie; 8,
W.H. Clark; 9, Lester German; 10, John J. Doyle; 11, John Ward; 12,
M. Tiernan; 13, Geo. S. Davis; 14, W.B. Fuller; 15, James Stafford; 16,
W.H. Murphy.
1, Callahan; 2, Allen; 3, Delehanty; 4, Boyle; 5, Thompson; 6, Taylor;
7, Hamilton; 8, Reilly; 9, Clements; 10, Weyhing; 11, Hallman; 12,
Irwin; 13, Carsey; 14, Haddock; 15, Hartman; 16, Sharrott; 17, Turner;
18, Grady.
1, G. Tredway; 2, M.G. Griffin; 3, T.P. Burns; 4, P. Gilbert; 5, Wm.
Shindle; 6, T.W. Corcoran; 7, T.P. Daly; 8, T.F. Kinslow; 9, D.L. Foutz
(Manager); 10, C.F. Dailey; 11, G. Lachance; 13, G. Q. Shoch; 13,
William Kennedy; 14, D.W. Daub; 15, G.O. Sharrott; 16, E.F. Stein.
1, Tebeau; 2, O'Connor; 3, Young; 4, Burkett; 5, Ewing; 6, McAleer; 7,
McGarr; 8, Childs; 9, McKean; 10, Dewald; 11, Virtue; 12, Clarkson; 13,
Cuppy; 14, Fisher; 15, Zimmer.
1, Shiebeck; 2, Bierbauer; 3, Stigden; 4, Mack; 5, Beckley; 6, Smith; 7,
Lukens; 8, Lyons; 9, Colcolough; 10, Donovan; 11, Killen; 12,
Buckenberger; 13, Ehret; 14, Stenzel; 15, Glasscock; 16, Gumbert; 17,
1, Chas. Comiskey; 2, Frank Dwyer; 3, Elton Chamberlain; 4, Geo. Cross;
5, Thos. Parrott; 6, Morgan Murphy; 7, Harry Vaughn; 8, Frank Motz; 9,
John McPhee; 10, Arlie Latham; 11, Geo. Smith; 12, Jas. Holliday; 13,
Wm. Hoyt; 14, John McCarthy; 15, Jas. Canavan.
1, A.G. Cooley; 3, A. Twineham; 3, T. Dowd; 4, Thomas Hannigan; 5,
M.F. Hogan; 6, T. Breitenstein; 7, Harry Staley; 8, Roger Connor; 9, Tom
Brown; 10, C.H. Peitz; 11, J.H. McDougal; 12. F. Ely.
1, Charles Petty; 2, Sam Wise; 3, Joe Mulvey; 4, Wm. Hassamer; 5,
W. Black; 6, Charles Esper; 7, Ed Cartwright; 8, Wm. Joyce; 9, Geo.
Tebeau; 10, Geo. Stephens; 11, Jas. McGuire; 12, G.H. Schmelz; 13, Otis
Stockdale; 14, Jos. Sullivan; 15, Frank Ward; 16, Al Selbach; 17, John
Egan, 18, John McMahon; 19, Paul Radford; 20, D.E. Dugdale; 21,
W.B. Mercer.
1, E. Cunningham; 2, A. Stewart; 3, H. Howe; 4, Chas. Marr; 5, W.F.
Hart; 6, F. Parvin; 7, Chas. Jones; 8. W.H. Watkins (Manager); 9, J.
Walsh; 10, Geo. H. Hogreiver; 11, F. Genins; 12, A. Twineham; 13,
F. Kraus; 14, J. Newell.
1. Al Mauck; 2, Belden Hill; 3, W.F. Kreig; 4, Paddy Lynch; 5. Wm.
Zeis; 6, Harry Sage (Manager); 7, Harry Burrell; 8, J.A. Andrews; 9, Joe
Cantillon (Captain); 10, Dan Sweeney.
1, Jno. Farrell; 2, H.F. Keefer; 3, J. McJannes; 4. R. Fender; 5, John
Foreman; 6, Mike Trost; 7, Geo. Kelly; 8, R. Stafford; 9, L.W. Smith;
10, Bert Myers; 11, Stewart Sanford; 12, Ed Leach; 13, S.T. Honeycutt.
1, J.B. Speer; 2, C.H. George; 3, F. Murphy; 4, F. Rustin; 5, H.M.
Keator; 6, A.A. Bigelow; 7, G.B. Case; 8, M.J. Warner; 9, W.F. Carter;
10, J.R. Quinby; 11, T.S. Arbuthnot; 12, F.B. Stephenson; 13,
G.O. Redington; 14, E.R. Trudeau; 15, J.C. Greenway.
1, C.J. Paine; 2, E.W. Ames; 3, J.H. Williams; 4, J. Wiggins; 5, P.W.
Whittemore; 6, B. Cook, Jr.; 7, A. Winslow; 8, A.A. Highlands; 9, F.M.
Carthy; 10, J. Corbett; 11, R. Paine; 12, R. Stevenson; 13, J.J. Hayes;
14, D.D. Scannell; 15, H. Dickinson; 16, W.J. O'Malley.
1. Payne; 2, Bradley; 3, King; 4, Brooks; 5, Trenchard; 6, Otto; 7,
Forsythe; 8, Gunster; 9, W.D. Ward; 10, Mackenzie (Captain); 11,
P. Ward; 12, Lindsay; 13, Small; 14, Altman; 15, Williams.
1, Blair; 2, Brown; 3, Sinclair; 4, Stokes; 5, Dickson; 6, Blakely; 7,
Reese; 8, Hollister; 9, Higgins; 10, Mintzner; 11, Coogan; 12, Thomas;
13, Gelbert; 14, Goeckel.
1, Charles Gould, First Base; 2, Charles Sweasey, Second Base; 3, Asa
Brainard, Pitcher; 4, Cal McVey, Right Field; 5, Harry Wright, Centre
Field (Capt.); 6, George Wright, Short Stop; 7, "Dug" Allison, Catcher;
8, Fred Waterman, Third Base; 9, Andy Leonard, Left Field.
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