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The Eastern League Averages


Sheehan of Springfield leads the entire batting list with the fat
percentage of .416. Patchen of Scranton was second with .392, and Mulvey
of Allentown-Yonkers was third, .391. All three of these are ahead of
Drauby's record, .379, which led the Eastern League the previous
year. Rudderham led the pitchers in fielding his position.

The club averages are significant. They show that the Providence
champions turned up third in batting, and led the list in fielding. Thus
they deserved to win, for the Springfields, second in batting, are third
in fielding, tied with Troy; and Buffalo, first in batting, comes sixth
in fielding. Scranton and Yonkers see-saw on the tail end. Wilkes-Barre
is below the centre of the heap in both fielding and batting. In fact,
the sum up of club averages in stick work and field work indicates that
the clubs finished about as they deserved. The figures will give
opportunity for a couple of hours study.

1 2
s n
t d P
A e
G t B B r
a R a a c
m B u s s e
e a n e e n
s t s s s t
NO. NAME. CLUB. . . . . . .
1 Sheehan Springfield 32 144 31 60 2 .415
2 Parchen Scranton 32 135 15 53 5 .392
3 Mulvey Yonkers 22 92 13 36 2 .391
4 Kelley Yonkers 15 61 11 23 2 .377
5 P. Sweeney Yonkers 21 86 21 33 3 .372
6 Knight Wilkes-Barre and Providence 113 493 108 183 34 .371
7 Bassett Providence 109 484 125 178 32 .367
8 Smith Buffalo 24 96 14 35 3 .364
Rafter Binghamton and Syracuse 43 184 31 67 14 .364
10 Minnehan Syracuse 115 504 95 182 11 .361
11 O'Brien Binghamton 15 61 9 22 0 .360
12 Griffin Buffalo and Syracuse 106 465 103 167 14 .359
13 Raymond Binghamton 22 92 23 33 4 .358
14 Vickery Buffalo and Springfield 54 199 47 70 8 .356
15 Shearon Erie 103 145 108 158 23 .355
16 Dowse Binghamton, Buffalo, and 88 355 76 126 5 .354
17 Power Binghamton and Syracuse 79 328 72 116 15 .353
18 Collins Buffalo 125 562 126 198 18 .352
19 Drauby Buffalo 97 436 126 153 12 .350
20 Shannon Wilkes-Barre 77 347 77 121 21 .348
21 Nadeau Springfield 110 469 128 162 30 .345
22 Field Erie 109 436 71 150 16 .344
Sweeney Binghamton 27 116 21 40 0 .344
24 Campfield Wilkes-Barre 29 94 20 32 1 .340
Dixon Providence 80 320 58 109 33 .340
26 Rogers Providence 112 492 97 167 37 .339
27 Lytle Wilkes-Barre and Binghamton 101 479 115 162 39 .338
Carr Binghamton 15 71 13 24 2 .338
29 Weddige Buffalo 21 86 19 29 1 .337
Wood Yonkers 22 86 21 29 2 .337
31 Lynch Springfield 110 469 127 158 44 .336
Kilroy Syracuse 30 98 22 33 8 .336
Clymer Buffalo 121 523 97 176 36 .336
34 Lyons Providence 108 511 131 171 37 .334
Johnson Troy and Scranton 111 463 221 155 14 .334
Bottenus Springfield 110 440 111 147 22 .334
Betts Wilkes-Barre 107 463 114 155 21 .334
38 Gillen Wilkes-Barre 106 417 89 139 17 .333
Nicholson Erie 105 453 115 151 71 .333
40 Lewee Buffalo 71 262 56 87 3 .332
41 Breckenridge Troy and Springfield 113 440 98 146 11 .331
Lally Erie 108 458 78 152 8 .331
43 O'Brien Buffalo 60 276 77 91 14 .329
Payne Syracuse and Binghamton 52 197 37 65 5 .329
45 Cahill Scranton and Troy 91 402 73 132 26 .328
46 Scheffler Troy and Springfield 111 459 138 150 29 .326
47 Friel Binghamton, Scranton, & 60 251 58 81 17 .322
Pickett Troy 71 304 54 98 12 .322
Hoffer Buffalo 76 282 63 91 5 .322
50 Lezotte Wilkes-Barre 78 336 73 108 8 .321
51 Shannon Springfield 109 493 115 158 15 .320
52 Gore Binghamton 48 191 46 61 5 .319
53 Boyd Buffalo 82 339 76 105 10 .318
54 Berger Erie 67 255 50 80 3 .313
" Urquhart Buffalo 101 402 80 126 7 .313
56 Bausewein Syracuse 44 146 8 45 4 .308
" Demont Buffalo, Bingh'ton & Scranton 36 146 31 45 4 .308
" Burns Springfield 36 146 27 45 7 .308
59 Daly Buffalo 82 336 82 103 7 .306
60 Hoover Syracuse and Scranton 83 344 74 105 21 .305
61 Warner Wilkes-Barre 97 387 71 118 17 .304
62 Barnett Binghamton and Syracuse 42 132 23 40 2 .303
" Hanrahan Binghamton and Syracuse 54 221 36 67 4 .303
64 J. Hess Wilkes-Barre and Scranton 78 348 72 105 8 .301
65 T. Hess Syracuse 98 381 64 114 6 .299
66 Gunson Erie 64 261 40 78 2 .298
67 Whitehead Binghamton and Scranton 30 131 28 39 8 .297
68 Welch Syracuse 108 422 111 125 81 .296
" Eagan Syracuse 111 435 97 129 30 .296
70 Cross Syracuse 69 247 62 73 34 .295
" Duryea Binghamton and Yonkers 53 190 24 56 6 .295
" Heine Binghamton and Buffalo 50 203 35 60 8 .295
73 Simon Troy and Syracuse 114 485 123 143 22 .294
" Faatz Syracuse 25 102 15 30 0 .294
75 Donnelly Troy and Springfield 83 361 91 104 15 .288
" Wilson Syracuse 27 104 18 30 1 .288
" Pettit Providence and Wilkes-Barre 78 368 65 106 12 .288
78 Conley Syracuse 62 247 30 71 9 .287
" Brown Wilkes-Barre 54 233 28 67 2 .287
80 Keenan Wilkes-Barre 47 175 24 50 1 .286
81 Gruber Troy and Springfield 45 151 33 40 0 .284
82 Stearns Wilkes-Barre and Buffalo 76 307 76 37 14 .283
" Lehane Scranton and Springfield 99 386 67 110 5 .283
84 Stricker Providence 108 436 88 123 52 .282
" Cooney Providence 98 422 68 119 28 .282
86 Delaney Binghamton and Scranton 51 188 35 53 6 .281
87 Mack Binghamton 66 272 62 76 10 .278
88 Van Dyke Erie 108 434 66 120 36 .276
89 Leahy Springfield 101 423 96 116 30 .274
90 Bott Buffalo 18 66 11 13 2 .272
91 Healy Erie 37 137 21 37 0 .270
92 McGinness Erie 27 89 11 24 1 .269
93 Smith Erie 108 432 102 115 19 .266
94 Murray Providence 109 430 80 112 68 .260
95 Murphy Troy 29 116 11 30 1 .258
" Johnson Buffalo 51 213 31 55 13 .258
97 Rogers Scranton 21 82 10 21 1 .256
98 Kuehne Erie 106 427 64 109 13 .255
99 McCauley Providence 53 197 33 50 27 .253
100 Phelan Scranton 26 103 20 26 8 .252
101 Wise Yonkers 20 80 14 20 7 .250
" Dolan Binghamton and Springfield 25 84 12 21 0 .250
103 Egan Providence 35 105 25 26 9 .247
104 McMahon Wilkes-Barre 99 393 43 97 4 .246
105 Lovett Providence 16 62 7 15 0 .241
106 Donovan Scranton, Troy and Yonkers 34 121 12 29 4 .289
107 Sullivan Providence 40 155 23 37 10 .238
108 Smith Troy and Scranton 108 421 67 97 1 .230
108 Coughlin Springfield 49 178 26 41 1 .230
110 Messitt Springfield 82 112 20 25 2 .228
111 Meekin Troy and Wilkes-Barre 39 135 28 30 4 .222
112 Fisher Buffalo 17 60 5 18 3 .216
112 W. Sweeney Yonkers 20 74 7 16 2 .216
114 Costello Yonkers 22 86 9 18 1 .209
115 Marshall Binghamton 17 62 10 19 0 .206
116 Quarles Wilkes-Barre and Scranton 35 127 16 26 2 .204
117 Blackburn Wilkes-Barre and Scranton 18 66 9 13 0 .196
118 Kilroy Yonkers 17 64 10 12 4 .187
119 Connors Binghamton 19 75 12 14 1 .186
120 Lang Binghamton 16 59 19 11 7 .183
121 Herndon Erie 47 189 21 29 1 .182
122 Lohbeck Binghamton 42 160 20 29 7 .181
123 Phillips Troy 15 59 8 10 1 .169
124 Rudderham Providence 30 105 7 17 2 .161

u s E e
G t s r r
a i r c
m O s o e
e u t r n
s t s s t
No. Name. Club. . . . . .
1 Rudderham Providence 30 9 46 1 .982
2 Lovett Providence 16 7 38 1 .975
3 Bausewein Syracuse 41 14 60 3 .960
4 Sullivan Providence 39 8 72 4 .952
5 Campfield Wilkes-Barre 29 8 49 3 .949
6 Hoffer Buffalo 57 39 92 8 .942
6 Vickery Buffalo and Springfield 52 26 122 9 .942
6 Bott Buffalo 18 3 46 3 .942
9 Keenan Wilkes-Barre 38 29 64 6 .939
10 McGinnis Erie 27 6 52 4 .935
11 Gruber Troy and Springfield 45 7 77 7 .931
12 Duryea Binghamton and Yonkers 40 36 65 9 .918
13 Blackburn Scranton and Wilkes-Barre 17 8 25 3 .916
14 Coughlin Springfield 45 19 79 9 .915
15 Meekin Troy and Wilkes-Barre 39 29 63 9 .910
16 Donovan Troy, Scranton and Yonkers 34 14 55 7 .907
17 Fisher Buffalo 17 6 23 3 .906
18 Fagan Providence 20 9 65 8 .902
19 Herndon Erie 46 23 61 10 .896
20 Marshall Binghamton 13 3 23 3 .896
21 Quarles Wilkes-Barre and Scranton 33 13 64 9 .895
22 Dolan Binghamton and Springfield 25 4 34 5 .886
23 Healy Erie 34 14 63 16 .885
24 Delaney Binghamton and Scranton 50 21 80 12 .884
25 Kilroy Syracuse 27 20 56 10 .883
26 Barnett Binghamton and Syracuse 42 4 86 12 .852
27 Payne Syracuse and Binghamton 18 9 19 10 .736

u s E e
G t s r r
a i r c
m O s o e
e u t r n
s t s s t
No. Name. Club. . . . . .
1 Lohbeck Binghamton 42 138 30 6 .965
2 Gunson Erie 54 157 46 8 .962
3 Berger Erie 58 180 45 9 .961
4 Dixon Providence 63 241 48 12 .960
5 Cahill Troy and Scranton 51 161 51 11 .950
6 Urquhart Buffalo 83 321 74 22 .947
7 Warner Wilkes-Barre 97 317 71 22 .946
8 Wilson Syracuse 20 71 26 6 .941
9 Leahy Springfield 95 321 76 25 .940
10 Murphy Troy 24 83 10 6 .939
11 Hess Syracuse 89 253 54 22 .933
12 McCauley Providence 53 136 47 23 .913
13 Boyd Buffalo 61 226 37 28 .903
14 Rafter Binghamton and Syracuse 43 128 40 20 .893
15 Patchen Scranton 32 114 20 17 .887

u s E e
G t s r r
a i r c
m O s o e
e u t r n
s t s s t
No. Name. Club. . . . . .
1 Demont Binghamton and Buffalo 29 68 117 23 .898
1 Shannon Springfield 109 245 454 90 .898
3 Cooney Providence 98 148 331 55 .897
4 Smith Erie 106 205 429 75 .894
5 W. Sweeney Yonkers 20 40 78 14 .893
6 Lewee Buffalo 71 146 269 50 .892
6 Smith Troy and Scranton 108 139 332 57 .892
8 Cross Syracuse 69 172 275 60 .881
9 Hanrahan Syracuse and Binghamton 54 65 166 35 .870
10 McMahon Wilkes-Barre 99 218 402 98 .863
11 Johnson Buffalo 49 70 144 39 .845
12 Lang Binghamton 16 20 52 14 .837
13 Heine Binghamton and Buffalo 35 75 103 35 .835

u s E e
G t s r r
a i r c
m O s o e
e u t r n
s t s s t
No. Name. Club. . . . . .
1 Brown Wilkes-Barre 54 578 30 10 .983
2 Breckenridge Troy and Springfield 113 1133 37 22 .981
2 Field Erie 109 1092 56 22 .981
2 Kelly Yonkers 12 96 11 2 .981
5 Lehane Springfield and Scranton 98 938 64 20 .980
6 Rogers Providence 109 970 42 25 .975
7 Power Binghamton and Syracuse 79 728 37 20 .974
8 Drauby Buffalo 46 455 21 14 .971
8 Faatz Syracuse 25 235 4 7 .971
10 Conley Syracuse 62 569 15 19 .968
11 Stearns Buffalo and Wilkes-Barre 76 774 24 30 .945
12 Sweeney Binghamton 23 215 9 15 .937

u s E e
G t s r r
a i r c
m O s o e
e u t r n
s t s s t
No. Name. Club. . . . . .
1 Stricker Providence 108 341 308 30 .955
2 Wise Yonkers 20 76 79 8 .950
3 Lynch Springfield 20 70 59 7 .948
3 Pickett Troy 71 241 197 24 .948
5 Eagan Syracuse 111 364 362 40 .947
6 Clymer Buffalo 54 159 171 21 .940
7 Nicholson Erie 105 321 300 42 .937
8 Cahill Troy and Scranton 28 75 78 11 .932
9 Burns Springfield 36 104 82 14 .930
10 O'Brien Buffalo 60 192 162 28 .926
10 Mack Binghamton 66 185 206 31 .926
12 Smith Buffalo 13 36 31 7 .905
13 Shannon Wilkes-Barre 77 168 221 41 .904

u s E e
G t s r r
a i r c
m O s o e
e u t r n
s t s s t
No. Name. Club. . . . . .
1 Bassett Providence 109 183 290 46 .911
2 Kuehne Erie 106 154 265 41 .910
3 Minnehan Syracuse 111 165 251 45 .902
4 Donnelly Troy and Springfield 83 123 207 36 .901
5 Whitehead Binghamton and Scranton 30 43 61 13 .888
6 Smith Troy 16 14 41 7 .887
6 Lynch Springfield 87 203 223 54 .887
8 Dowse Buffalo, Troy and Binghamton 67 97 146 36 .870
9 Mulvey Yonkers 22 35 44 12 .858
10 Gillen Wilkes-Barre 106 127 216 67 .836
11 O'Brien Binghamton 15 20 15 9 .818
12 Phelan Scranton 29 19 31 12 .806
13 Raymond Binghamton 22 24 42 17 .795
14 Weddige Buffalo 14 16 20 11 .765

u s E e
G t s r r
a i r c
m O s o e
e u t r n
s t s s t
No. Name. Club. . . . . .
1 Clymer Buffalo 61 152 11 4 .976
2 Drauby Buffalo 37 67 5 5 .960
2 Welch Syracuse 108 225 19 10 .960
4 Lyons Providence 108 294 27 14 .956
4 Gore Binghamton 48 99 10 5 .956
6 Simon Syracuse and Troy 114 265 15 13 .955
7 Scheffler Troy and Springfield 112 175 23 12 .942
8 Hoffer Buffalo 19 45 3 3 .941
9 Collins Buffalo 125 299 34 21 .940
10 Wood Yonkers 22 42 3 3 .937
11 Griffin Buffalo and Syracuse 106 178 13 13 .936
12 Lally Erie 108 239 17 18 .934
13 Knight Wilkes-Barre and Providence 113 307 13 24 .930
14 Van Dyke Erie 108 219 23 20 .923
15 Johnson Troy and Scranton 111 312 24 31 .915
16 Betts Wilkes-Barre 107 302 23 31 .912
17 Shearon Erie 103 163 21 18 .910
18 Payne Binghamton and Syracuse 47 58 9 7 .905
19 Bottenus Springfield 110 267 6 31 .898
20 Daly Buffalo 82 137 17 18 .895
21 Murray Providence 108 144 26 21 .890
22 Lezotte Wilkes-Barre 63 112 7 15 .888
22 Carr Binghamton 15 32 2 4 .888
24 Connors Binghamton 19 37 2 5 .886
25 Hess Wilkes-Barre and Scranton 74 136 8 20 .878
26 Nadeau Springfield 85 187 17 30 .871
27 Lytle Wilkes-Barre and Binghamton 87 196 34 36 .864
28 Hoover Syracuse and Scranton 83 152 12 27 .858
29 Friel Spr'gf'ld, Binham'n, Scranton 60 96 5 11 .857
30 Pettit Providence and Wilkes-Barre 57 98 5 12 .830
31 Rogers Scranton 18 32 2 7 .829
32 P. Sweeney Yonkers 17 34 4 8 .825
33 Costello Yonkers 13 28 2 7 .810
34 Sheehan Springfield 32 36 6 7 .728

t a t e
s o B r
B R e H l a C
a u i e s e
t n t n e n
s s s s t
No. CLUB. . . . . .
1 Buffalo 4630 1022 1500 154 .323
2 Springfield 4004 942 1268 184 .316
3 Providence 4210 842 1306 365 .310
4 Syracuse 4092 814 1260 186 .307
5 Binghamton 3018 585 919 128 .304
6 Wilkesbarre 3949 773 1196 136 .302
6 Erie 4018 751 1214 194 .302
8 Troy 2775 588 821 97 .295
9 Scranton 1269 200 372 154 .293
10 Yonkers 735 118 220 28 .288

P A e
u s E r
t s r
i r C
O s o e
u t r n
t s s t
No. CLUB. . . . .
1 Providence 2825 1357 257 .942
2 Erie 2776 1399 281 .936
3 Troy 1968 940 194 .934
3 Springfield 2779 1286 285 .934
5 Syracuse 2754 1380 310 .930
6 Buffalo 3011 1442 369 .923
7 Wilkes-Barre 2457 1191 354 .918
8 Binghamton 1916 967 276 .916
9 Yonkers 410 263 68 .902
10 Scranton 794 357 138 .892

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